Title: Lost Soul: AJ's Burden
Series: Healing Hearts #4
Author: Nicky James
Genre: M/M Romance
Release Date: October 22, 2017
AJ Silva is about to find out. His life has been spiralling the drain for the past year, and if he doesn't find a way out soon, he may die on the streets of San Francisco. Drowning in a severe drug addiction, battling every day to survive, AJ doesn't know where to turn. His past haunts him in more ways than one, and leaves him both grasping and begging for change, while fearing his future. All AJ knows how to do is chase one problem away with another. How can you win the war, when your enemy is yourself?
Trystain Larsson is an addict. Five years ago, he discovered rock bottom first hand. Since that dreaded day, he's worked his recovery with everything he has. Helping others who've fallen victim to drugs gives him hope for a better tomorrow. If he can save even one person from that life, it will mean victory.
When AJ lands at his doorstep, Trystain gets more than he bargained for. Not only is AJ at the end of his rope, but there is something darker going on.
Coming off drugs is not an easy task, and with AJ, Trystain has his work cut out for him. During their time together, a bond that goes deeper than friendship grows.
Will mistakes from the past be barriers for the future? It's hard to move forward, when you can't stop looking back.
**TRIGGERS** For significant on-page drug use. Addiction and withdrawal.
Nicky has always had two profound dreams in life; to fall back hundreds of years in time and live in a simpler world and to write novels. Since only one of those dreams was a possibility, she decided to make the other come alive on paper.
Nicky writes MM romance books in a variety of styles including contemporary, medieval, fantasy, and historical.
Raw. Gripping. Powerful. Gritty. Emotional. These are only a few of the adjectives that can used to describe Lost Soul: AJ's Burden.
I feel that this book is a must read for anyone who knows someone who is lost to drugs as well as those in the medical and mental health professions.
At the beginning of each chapter is a quote, some from recovering addicts and some from unknown people. One of those quotes that hit me really hard is, and I quote
"Before you pass judgement on one who is self destructing, it's important to remember they usually aren't trying to destroy themselves. They are trying to destroy something inside that doesn't belong. -JM Storm-"
I never looked at it this way, but it's a real eye-opener.
This book is very subtle in the way it draws you into the lives of the characters. You can almost feel the internal struggles they experience in their day-to-day lives.
Lost Soul: AJ's Burden definitely deserves to be on the NY Times Best Seller list.
5 out of 5 stars and I cannot recommend it highly enough.
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