Thursday, November 23, 2017

My review: The Rescuer by Eric Huffbind

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Always desperate to find love, and more importantly,find Mr. Right. Emotionally exhausted from kissing one frog after another, only to not find Prince Charming on the other side of the kiss. He loves being needed and making a difference in people's lives.At thirty-years of age, Jason Calhoun, is a social worker, counseling patients with a history of chemical dependency, and always the eternal, hopeless romantic. Jason has been trying to find love, but with men that are somewhat similar, to the emotional wrecks that make him feel that his life has purpose. Despondent finally, he realizes the wrongs of his selection process, and why it has not been a success.

Using alcohol, he tried to numb his emotional pain.  But what has been going on in his life, that has brought such an arduous level of distress. Afraid of winding up dead, he checks himself into Watermeadow, a recovery and rehabilitation facility. His dashing goodlooks didn't buy him happiness, but he learned how to survive off them to maintain his expensive lifestyle. Christopher Parker is twenty-seven years old, always admired for his amazing emerald-green eyes, and his brilliant intelligence. 

For Jason and Christopher, sometimes the best way to find love, is to stop looking so hard for it. And sometimes, a billionaire nemesis,can stand in the way of life's greatest joy.

Author Bio
Eric Huffbind is a man of many talents. He is a hopeless romantic, licensed registered nurse, has been a travel agent, and is the eternal social butterfly. Among his passionate interests are history, genealogy, romance, and travel. Like so many other individuals, he has a long bucket list. On the list, to no surprise, was writing a novel. So this, his debut novel, is a lifetime of  raw emotions: be it love, happiness, sadness,tears, joy, anxiety, fear, disappointment, or achievement. 

Although the story in this book focuses on the romantic relationship of two gay men,regardless of your sexual orientation, this novel is meant to rekindle the true spirit of romance and love in your heart. If Mr. Huffbind's story moves youthrough an array of emotions, and it touches your romantic spirit, please share the book with a friend.

Mr. Huffbind was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and has remained in southwest Ohio for his entire life. He shares his life with his husband, an autistic son, and his beautiful Pomeranian. 

This is a great story which tackles on ongoing problem that not only affects the gay community but all communities, and circumstances which forces people to experience this problem.

Not only does this story revolve around a gay man experiencing this problem, but also another gay man who helps the gay man with the problem, sometimes going above and beyond.

I found myself wanting to grab Christopher Parker and hold onto him tightly and do everything I could to help him with his struggles. He's a great guy who's had a hard life.

I also found myself wanting to grab Jason Calhoun, the man with the huge heart, hug him and express my gratitude for everything he did for Chris, including helping him stand up to a rich bastard (who I wanted to bitch-slap into the next galaxy) who took advantage of Chris when he was at his lowest. The possibility for crossing professional boundaries exists. Do they cross that boundary? You'll have to read The Rescuer.

There are areas where the story could be made stronger.

I applaud this author's first novel and I hope to read more of his works.

Great job, Eric!

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