Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Love Across Time chapter 8

 Chapter 8 of my Wednesday briefs story, Love Across Time is now up. You can read it by clicking here.

If you have just come across my blog and would like to read the entire story, you can click here to get to the Wednesday briefs page.

Here is a sneak peek at what you'll find in chapter 8:
Upon walking in the door from playing a few rounds of miniature golf with his girlfriend and her family, Ethan’s brother Chris heard a loud banging coming from upstairs. What the hell? Rushing up the stairs he quickly zeroed in on the source of the banging – Ethan’s room. Throwing the door open he found Ethan on the floor in the midst of convulsions. He grabbed a pillow off the bed to protect his head as he dialed 911. Looking around while waiting for the paramedics to arrive he noticed an open pill bottle in Ethan’s hand and several pills scattered about on the floor. God, I hope this isn’t what it looks like. He prayed. After several attempts he was able to pry the pill bottle out of Ethan’s hand. He sighed with relief that it was one of his HIV medications, Epzicom. He must have been taking them when the seizures hit. I wish I knew what to do. He did the only think he could do while waiting for help – he kept Ethan from hurting himself.

The paramedics arrived, took one look at the scene and rushed Ethan to the hospital after helping Chris gather up all of the pills scattered about. A half-hour later, Chris was out of his mind with worry. After a couple of hours a doctor entered the waiting room. “Is there a Chris Evans here?”

Chris and his girlfriend, Jenny, approached the doctor. “I’m Chris Evans and this is my girlfriend Jenny. What’s happening with my brother?”

“Honestly, we don’t know. The seizures have finally stopped. We’ve done a brain scan and everything appears to be normal. In a few minutes we’ll be taking him up to an isolation room in the ICU. Until we know for sure what caused his seizures, we’re leaving nothing to chance.” The doctor looked hesitant to continue.

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