Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wenesday Briefs - Evans Woodworking chapter 14

Chapter 14 of my new Wednesday Brief's story is now on line. You can read it by clicking here.

If you have just come across my blog and would like to read the entire story, you can click here to get to the Wednesday briefs page.

Here is a sneak peek at what you'll find in chapter 14:

As Ethan was waiting in line to get something to eat, he thought of what Dorothy had said. I’ve always been very careful with my tools and never really cut myself. Scrapes and bruises for sure, but I’ve never bled.

Placing his order, the cashier told him, "That'll cost you five dollars." He quirked an eyebrow at him. Apparently he knew of Ethan’s habit of using archaic terms and expressions. He smiled, handed over the five credits, took his snack and sat down where he continued to ponder.

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