Sunday, January 19, 2020

Book review: An Endless Sea of Stars (Gemini Project #1) by Jamie Lynn Miller

Romance among the stars

Many thanks to Jim for having me here today to talk about my novella, An Endless Sea of Stars. I've been a sci-fi fan since 1977, the year that a little film called Star Wars hit the movie screens. I was only six years old back then. While my friends wanted to go see Bambi I was begging my dad to take me to Star Wars. My mother thought I was nuts and refused to go, saying my dad was just wasting his money because I wouldn't understand the movie. Seven days later and seven consecutive trips to the movies with my dad and she had to admit she'd made a mistake. :-)

To this day Star Wars remains a big part of my life. My home is filled with about a thousand pieces of memorabilia and photos of myself with many of the actors. I also love shows like the original Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, Firefly, Buck Rogers, Babylon 5, Fringe, Doctor Who and Alien Nation. I also read sci-fi novels voraciously.

An Endless Sea of Stars follows the lives of a test pilot and an engineer as Earth strives to build a starship that will take them beyond the Milky Way and into deep space. My friend Gina calls the book a "futuristic romance" and I love that description. While it has sci-fi elements to it, the story takes place entirely on Earth with its focus on the love story between Toby and Cade.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!


The year is 2121. While Earth has conquered exploration of the Milky Way, we have yet to develop an interstellar engine to take us beyond our own galaxy. Thus the Intergalactic Exploration Alliance and the Gemini Project were formed.

Lieutenant Tobias Dekker is fresh out of the IEA academy and determined to be assigned to the Gemini engineering team. Putting career above all else. He knows from experience that relationships have no place in the Alliance. Commander Caden Flynn is equally determined to see the Gemini prototype take flight to uncharted space. The engine is his late father's design and he wants nothing more than to be the test pilot that breaks the next light speed barrier.

Two men dreaming of a sea of stars find that it's instead an ocean here on Earth that brings them together. Can Cade convince Toby to open up his heart and take a chance on love and explore the universe with him, side by side?


Toby rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. “Anyone ever tell you you’re a smartass?”

At that Cade finally let loose with his suppressed laughter. “I had you going there, though, didn’t I?” he smirked.

Toby waved his hand in dismissal. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll have you know that’s never happened to me before. I would’ve gotten us outta there. I just needed another minute…or two,” he finished with an embarrassed grin.

“You know, I really should report this to Hank,” Cade quipped as he finished removing his wetsuit. “But!” he held up his hand before Toby could say anything. “We can forget about the entire thing if…” he trailed off for a second and rummaged in his duffle bag, pulling out a bottle of Kentucky bourbon and showing it to Toby. “…you have a drink with me.” He shrugged one of his shoulders. “Since I couldn’t get you to a bar with me I thought I’d bring the bar to you.”

Toby paused. Alone, in the dark, sharing a few drinks. This wasn’t a good idea. He should politely decline and say they needed to start heading back. But his mouth was apparently not listening to his brain, because before he could stop himself…


A very pleased smile crossed Cade’s face and he reached over and squeezed Toby’s bare shoulder before turning back to the duffel bag and producing two plastic cups. A few minutes later they had donned their t-shirts and shorts and were relaxing on the bow, sitting close enough that their shoulders were almost touching. The clouds had dissipated, revealing millions of stars twinkling in the clear sky and a full moon reflecting on the water.

Cade took a swallow of bourbon and turned his head toward Toby. “I can’t get over what an amazing feeling it was, being down in those caves tonight.”

Toby took a drink as well. “Been through those caves ‘bout a hundred times. But like I said earlier, there’s something different every time. It never gets boring.”

Cade looked up toward the sky. “It’s like being out in the stars. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it.”

Toby couldn’t help his wistful, and envious, sigh. “Closest I’m probably ever gonna get to the stars is in one of the flight simulators.”

“From what I hear you’ve made some fabulous improvements to those simulators,” Cade said. “I wish I’d had you building and programming them when I was in flight school.”

Toby turned to look at him. “How did you know I was on the simulator team?”

Cade shrugged, took another drink. “After we met I took the liberty of looking into your Academy history.” He grinned. “I was curious as to who was going to be teaching me.” Cade shifted so that he was turned more fully toward Toby. “And I was damn impressed at what I read. You need to stop selling yourself short when it comes to your dream of working on the Gemini project. You’re in the top two percent of your class, Toby. Alliance Command is not going to overlook that when they hand out assignments next month.”

Toby shook his head. “Don’t you think they’d want someone older, more experienced, working on something as monumentally important as Earth’s first hyperdrive engine?”

“Just because you haven’t been in space doesn’t mean you’re not qualified to work on a starship engine. It’s about technical expertise, not flight time.”

Toby now turned to face Cade, a tinge of excitement in his voice. “Tell me about that. What’s it like up there? I’ve gotta admit that as much as I want to experience it for myself, it makes me kinda nervous, too.”

“It’s a lot like scuba diving, actually,” Cade began, then tipped his head up toward the sky, his voice gone quiet. “Surrounded by an endless sea of stars instead of water. It’s beautiful. And so serene. But there’s so much more out there to explore than in just our galaxy.”

Toby couldn’t help but smile at the passion and wonder in Cade’s voice. “You said we’re close to breaking barrier three?”

Cade nodded and finished off his drink, poured himself another and topped off Toby’s. “The engine tests we’ve been running are really promising. Captain Hoffman’s team is burning the midnight oil.”

“From what you told me last month it sounds like you are, too.”

Cade blew out a breath. “You know how badly you want in the Gemini program? That’s how badly I want to pilot that next barrier flight. It’s going to come down to myself, Logan Ramsey, Kenji Tran or Padma Singh. And they’re all damn good test pilots.”

“Well let me give you some sage advice that a friend of mine gave me,” Toby said with a grin. “Don’t sell yourself short.”

Cade gave him a look. “Now who’s the smartass?”

Toby just laughed and knocked his cup against Cade’s. He settled back to look up at the stars, and Cade did the same. They let the quiet of the open ocean surround them for several minutes, nothing but the sound of gentle waves against the hull.

“Does this place have a name?” Cade asked quietly.

“Not that I know of,” Toby answered.

“Then I think we should call it Dekker’s Cove.” He once again turned his head to look at Toby. “Thanks again for taking me out here. This is your spot and you didn’t have to share it with me.”

Toby turned his head to look back at Cade, his voice sincere. “I wanted to. I knew you’d appreciate how special it was.”

Cade pinned him with a gaze full of hope and desire. “There are a lot of things I’m finding are special down here.”

Toby’s breath caught in his throat. It would be so damn easy to give in to Cade’s flirtations. To say the hell with it and just reach over and touch him. Because Toby knew that’s all it would take. One touch. But then what? A summer fling, like they were teenagers away at camp? Toby just wasn’t wired like that, for one-time hook ups. Especially with someone like Cade. He knew he’d want more and he knew it’d never work. He just needed to keep reminding himself that it was Cade’s friendship that was most important, what he really wanted, was the only thing that would work between them. But it was getting harder and harder to do with each passing day he spent with Cade. His heart was warring with his head. And he honestly didn’t know which was going to win.

The moment stretched on between them, Toby knowing Cade was waiting for something from Toby, but he didn’t trust himself to speak.

Cade glanced away, then back. “Toby, I…”

And Toby’s stomach somersaulted, certain of what Cade was going to say next. He wasn’t ready for this…

“…I have to leave tomorrow.”

Toby blinked and released a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. “Wh-what?” he stuttered, completely caught off guard by Cade’s words, so far from what he had been expecting.

Cade sighed. “I’m needed back at Alliance HQ. I found out this morning but was putting off telling you.”

“That – that’s okay. I understand,” Toby replied, trying to hide his disappointment.

“I even brought a holo vid of a rugby match I was hoping to show you tomorrow,” Cade grinned and Toby chuckled. “Next month, okay?”

Toby nodded. “Next month.”

Next month. One last chance for Toby to sort out his feelings for Cade. And be able to live with that decision with no regrets. He had a sneaking suspicion that was going to be easier said than done.



Barnes and Noble:
Also available at the iBookstore

Information on all of my backlist books (pictured below) can be found at my website:


Jamie Lynn Miller has been writing fiction since childhood and decided to take the plunge and go pro in 2008, finding to her amazement that people truly enjoyed her love stories. She’s a romantic at heart, and her tales reflect the desire we all have to find “the one,” persevering through trials and heartache for that happy ending.
Jamie has a degree in fine arts and has spent the last twenty-five years working as a graphic designer, though she’d much rather be writing. She was born in Chicago and still lives there today with her husband and their two furry, four-footed children, er… cats.
If she’s not brainstorming story ideas, you can find Jamie at a sci-fi convention, in front of a furnace doing glass blowing, or on a mat twisted into a yoga pose.

Jamie Lynn Miller

An endless sea of stars. Sounds pretty romantic, right? But what would it be like to actually experience?

Like all of Jamie Lynn Miller's books, her characters are multi-faceted. Interestingly enough, there are no other characters but the two main characters, Toby and Cade. Others are mentioned, of course.

Some readers would start reading and, once they realize there are no supporting characters, would abandon a book. Doing so with this one would be the wrong thing to do. To me, having extra characters interacting with the main characters would detract from the awesomeness of An Endless Sea of Stars.

The story is lighthearted, but also intense and will have your heart in your throat before you realize it. But then, it wouldn't be a Jamie Lynn Miller book if the main characters didn't go through some hell.

This is science fiction at it's best. Sci Fi is my favorite genre, so of course I had to read it.

There are so many books out there that are sex-centric. I've read a couple such books and it got to the point where I felt I was reading the screenplay for a porn film... every other chapter was wham-bam-thank-you-man. Meaningless sex in order to entice readers. Not this reader.

An Endless Sea of Stars is very refreshing in that the sex scenes are an extension of the love between Cade and Toby. No thrust-by-thrust commentary. I love books that focus more on what happens outside the bedroom (or anywhere else the characters have sex), and boy does this book have a lot of it.

I love the scuba diving scenes, especially the one at Roscoe's Cove. Didn't see that one coming, did you Cade?

One thing I don't love though, is how long the author is making us wait for Gemini Project #2.

Hopefully soon we'll read more of the adventures of the starship Genesis IEA-01 and her intrepid crew of explorers, led by ** SPOILER ALERT!!!!! ** Captain Caden Flynn and Commander Tobias Dekker. ** END OF SPOILER**

An Endless Sea of Stars deserves as many stars as there are in the night sky.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Book review: Love and Poison by Jamie Lynn Miller

Hello everyone! Many thanks to Jim for hosting me today to announce my new release, Love and Poison!

A bit about me: I’ve lived in the suburbs of Chicago my entire life, but would much rather be living in Vancouver, Canada. I’ve been married for 25 years to my amazing husband, John. And our children are of the furry, four-footed kind. I work professionally as a graphic designer but would rather be writing!

I started writing m/m fan fiction back in the mid-90’s and in 2008 a friend challenged me to go pro. And here I am! Since I was a kid I’ve been interested in law enforcement and first responders. I’ve taken countless citizen police and fire academy classes and I’ve been volunteering with my local police department for the last five years. So it seemed natural that my books would feature the brave men in these professions, with my academy and volunteer work giving me a unique, inside perspective. I have books about cops, firemen, paramedics and soldiers, and my tag line is “Men in Uniform…and Out”.

My latest release is Love and Poison, featuring two Portland PD detectives—Bryce and Caleb. I love putting my characters through life and death situations and this book is no different. Bryce and Caleb have found happiness with one another, planning a future together when the unthinkable happens—Caleb is targeted and poisoned and given only a day to live.

Interested? Then read on for an exclusive excerpt!

A microscopic killer. A deadly diagnosis. The man you love has only 24 hours to live. What would you do?
There’s no denying the attraction between Detective Caleb Donaghue and his new partner Detective Bryce Anderson. At first, they battle their growing desires, but then tragedy brings the two men closer than ever before. United in their shared grief, they seek solace in one another. Walls come down, lines are crossed, and they finally give in to their hearts’ desires.
But only six weeks in, their happiness is shattered when Caleb is poisoned—and given only 24 hours to live.
In a life-or-death race to save their new-found love, they must find the unknown assailant and the antidote before Caleb’s time runs out.

Ten minutes later Bryce was lying naked in Caleb’s arms under the sheets in his partner’s large bed upstairs. Bryce’s eyes had just drifted closed, Caleb’s fingers lightly brushing up and down his arm lulling him to sleep, when Caleb’s quiet voice had his eyes opening again.

“Did we make a mistake?”

Bryce’s forehead furrowed, his thoughts immediately going back to Rivera and the events earlier in the evening. He lifted his head to look at his partner in the semi-dark. “Caleb, it wasn’t you—”

Caleb cut him off with a shake of his head. “No.” He pinned Bryce with a look of utter seriousness. “I mean this. Us. Getting involved with one another.”

Bryce’s chest clenched with Caleb’s surprising, unexpected words and he sat up as his partner continued.

“We made a promise that we wouldn’t put each other ahead of our jobs. But watching you deliberately throw yourself in the line of fire tonight—”

Angry, Bryce cut Caleb off this time. “And I’d have done the same damn thing if that same situation had happened an hour after we first met!” He took a calming breath. “You’re my partner. We protect one another, whether we’re sleeping together or not.” He let his heartfelt words hang in the moonlight, watched as the truth of them settled on Caleb. Then he let a smirk slide across his face. “Though if I’m going to be a superhero, I really need to work on my form. That tackle was hardly graceful. My high school football coach would be mortified.”

Caleb huffed out a laugh and a smile, complete with eye roll, breaking the tension.

Bryce smiled in return, but then let it slide away as he reached out and took Caleb’s hand in his. “Seriously, though. Can you tell me that you wouldn’t have done the same thing if our positions had been reversed tonight?”

Caleb held his gaze for a moment before glancing away, his silence all the answer Bryce needed.

Bryce squeezed his hand and Caleb looked back at him. “Us sleeping together isn’t a detriment to our partnership. It’s making us stronger.”

Caleb dropped his eyes down, then back up. “I was positive I was going to die tonight,” he confessed, his voice wavering. “And the thought of leaving you…”

Bryce’s throat threatened to close up with emotion and he had to swallow hard. “Listen to me,” he said, putting a smile back on his face. “The only leaving that’s happening is when you leave me sleeping here to go down to the bakery to get breakfast in a few hours.”

Caleb chuckled, the atmosphere lightening once again. “Oh, is that right?”

“Yep,” Bryce nodded. “I saved your ass. I deserve a donut.”

Caleb chuckled again. “Guess I can’t argue with that.”

“Nope,” Bryce grinned, settling down against the pillows again, tugging Caleb to him. “Now less talking, more sleeping.”

Caleb leaned in and kissed Bryce gently, a long, slow press of their lips before easing back and resting his head on Bryce’s chest, his arm draped loosely over Bryce’s waist. Bryce’s arm came around Caleb’s shoulders as his partner closed his eyes.

But Bryce lay awake, looking down at him, still marveling that he was lying in bed with Caleb. Wondering if they’d be together like this if not for the death of a young boy, looking for comfort in their shared grief. His, especially. He’d let his emotions bring down his walls and Caleb was there and Bryce forgot all about maintaining a professional partnership.

Because that’s what Bryce had promised himself the day he and Caleb met, a little over a year ago now. Him, the new kid on the block in Major Crimes, freshly promoted to Detective at only twenty-six years-old. The youngest in the division. And Caleb, four years older, in need of a new partner after his previous, long-term one had retired.

He and Caleb were a good fit from the get-go. And Bryce wasn’t going to screw it up with his instant attraction to his new partner. Getting involved just wasn’t an option. He had a lot to learn about being a detective from Caleb and he wasn’t going to ruin it by making an advance. Because if things didn’t work out, it would be unbelievably uncomfortable for both of them. And if you couldn’t be absolutely at ease with one another, to be able to rely on your partner to be there, to always have your back… One of you was going to end up hurt. Or dead.

But it looked like his fears were unfounded. Because here they were, six weeks later. And there was no place Bryce would rather be. Because he was falling harder and harder for Caleb each and every day.

Bryce sighed and closed his eyes. Question was—was Caleb falling just as hard?

TITLE: Love and Poison
AUTHOR: Jamie Lynn Miller
COVER ARTIST: Jamie Lynn Miller
GENRE: M/M Contemporary Romance
WORD COUNT: 30,000

Also available in the iBookstore!

Information on all of my backlist books (pictured below) can be found at my website:


Jamie Lynn Miller has been writing fiction since childhood and decided to take the plunge and go pro in 2008, finding to her amazement that people truly enjoyed her love stories. She’s a romantic at heart, and her tales reflect the desire we all have to find “the one,” persevering through trials and heartache for that happy ending.
Jamie has a degree in fine arts and has spent the last twenty-five years working as a graphic designer, though she’d much rather be writing. She was born in Chicago and still lives there today with her husband and their two furry, four-footed children, er… cats.
If she’s not brainstorming story ideas, you can find Jamie at a sci-fi convention, in front of a furnace doing glass blowing, or on a mat twisted into a yoga pose.


Twitter: @JamieLynnAuthor

Make sure you have at least two boxes of Kleenexs on hand. You'll need them, if not more.

Love and Poison is clearly one of Jamie Lynn Miller's finest works.

I had the honor and privilege of being a beta-reader so I knew pretty much what to expect. 

What I did read blew me away. I read the entire book in one sitting. I didn't have a choice. It grabbed me and pulled me in big time.

I have never, ever gotten as emotionally connected to any character as much as I did with Caleb. Way more than the character of Shawn Weller from the Shadow Unit series, my favorite of all Jamie's works.

I'm not ashamed to admit I cried when Caleb was given 24 hours to live after being poisoned. I felt a lot like Bryce did when he found out. I was very angry to the point where I wanted to find the person who poisoned him and string him up by his you-know-whats.

This novella is intense and will take you on an emotional roller coaster that will leave your emotions raw.

The supporting cast is truly amazing and they show how much they love Caleb and Bryce.

Love and Poison is a book that needs to be on everybody's eReader and bookshelf.

I truly hope we see more of Caleb and Bryce in the future.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Book review: Saving Sean (Seattle Stories Book Two) by Con Riley

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Universal Link - Exclusive to Amazon and Available to Borrow With Kindle Unlimited

Cover Design: Natasha Snow

Seattle Stories 

Book #1 - After Ben - Amazon US | Amazon UK | Universal Link


No more running from love…

Nearly a year after being rejected for another man, Seattle paramedic Peter Morse is still pining, so when the one that got away asks him for a favor, he agrees. His mission: track down Sean Reid, the runaway brother of a mutual friend. Peter isn’t thrilled about it—until he finds Sean injured by the side of the road.

Everything about Sean stirs Peter’s protective instincts—saving people is what he lives for—but he never anticipated falling for someone so hell-bent on running from him. On top of his physical wounds, Sean struggles with grief and guilt, and the mess his estranged father left when he died threatens to overwhelm him.

Saving Sean means Peter must let go of his pride and turn to friends and family. Asking for help is a bitter pill for Peter to swallow, but if he can’t, how can he expect Sean to accept his help—and his love—in turn?

CON RILEY lives on the wild and rugged Devonshire coast, with her head in the clouds and her feet in the Atlantic Ocean. Injury curtailed her enjoyment of outdoor pursuits, so writing fiction now fills her free time instead. Love, loss, and redemption shape her romance stories, and her characters are flawed in ways that make them live and breathe. When not people-watching or wrangling her own boy band of teen sons, she spends time staring at the sea from her kitchen window. If you see her, don’t disturb her—she’s probably thinking up new plots.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, January 3, 2020

New from Con Riley: Saving Sean (Seattle Stories Book Two)

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Universal Link - Exclusive to Amazon and Available to Borrow With Kindle Unlimited

Cover Design: Natasha Snow

Seattle Stories 

Book #1 - After Ben - Amazon US | Amazon UK | Universal Link


No more running from love…

Nearly a year after being rejected for another man, Seattle paramedic Peter Morse is still pining, so when the one that got away asks him for a favor, he agrees. His mission: track down Sean Reid, the runaway brother of a mutual friend. Peter isn’t thrilled about it—until he finds Sean injured by the side of the road.

Everything about Sean stirs Peter’s protective instincts—saving people is what he lives for—but he never anticipated falling for someone so hell-bent on running from him. On top of his physical wounds, Sean struggles with grief and guilt, and the mess his estranged father left when he died threatens to overwhelm him.

Saving Sean means Peter must let go of his pride and turn to friends and family. Asking for help is a bitter pill for Peter to swallow, but if he can’t, how can he expect Sean to accept his help—and his love—in turn?

CON RILEY lives on the wild and rugged Devonshire coast, with her head in the clouds and her feet in the Atlantic Ocean. Injury curtailed her enjoyment of outdoor pursuits, so writing fiction now fills her free time instead. Love, loss, and redemption shape her romance stories, and her characters are flawed in ways that make them live and breathe. When not people-watching or wrangling her own boy band of teen sons, she spends time staring at the sea from her kitchen window. If you see her, don’t disturb her—she’s probably thinking up new plots.

a Rafflecopter giveaway