Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday Briefs - Love Across Time chapter 23

 Chapter 23 of my Wednesday briefs story, Love Across Time is now up. You can read it by clicking here.

If you have just come across my blog and would like to read the entire story, you can click here to get to the Wednesday briefs page.

Here is a sneak peek at what you'll find in chapter 23:

"So what's up?" Ryan asked, stepping out of the travellator.

"We think we figured out why the paradox alarm went off," Liam began.

"It has to do with either Ethan or his brother or both. It's highly likely that either or both of them weren't supposed to come here, at least at this point in time."

"But they did. I had to explain everything to them to convince them that they're not going crazy. The problem is now that they've been here, there's no way I can think of to undo it. since they've been here and know about the travellators, what do we do?"

"There's only one thing we can do," Duncan replied in a strange tone of voice; his face wearing an unreadable expression. "You have to go back again and erase all memory of us. How and when I'm not exactly sure yet."

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