Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday briefs - Love Across Time chapters 21 & 22

 Chapter 21 of my Wednesday briefs story, Love Across Time is now up. You can read it by clicking here.

If you have just come across my blog and would like to read the entire story, you can click here to get to the Wednesday briefs page.

Here is a sneak peek at what you'll find in chapter 21:


After materializing back in Ethan’s workshop, Chris was the first to recover. “Okay, what a crazy fucked-up dream I just had!”

“I had the same weird-ass dream, I bet.”

“Guys, I assure you it was no dream. You just made a trip to the 30th century. It was absolutely real; as real as I’m standing here.”

“But how is that possible.”

“Many years ago from my perspective, scientists started looking into alternative methods of transportation as our atmosphere became more and more polluted. That eventually led to the invention of the travellators, which could transport a person instantly from one place to another. Not long after, the travellators became the only method of transportation other than bicycles as any type of powered motor vehicle became outlawed. It was a complete fluke that we discovered that the travellators could transport people through time as well as from place to place.

Once that was discovered, the government recognized the very real possibility of someone going back into the past and altering history for their benefit manipulating the stock market to get rich or assassinating a pivotal historical figure, so they formed the Timeline Preservation Commission. As an agent of the TPC it's my job to correct anything that alters the timeline and prevent potentially disastrous paradoxes."

"Wow," Ethan said through pursed lips. "How is it that you do 

I will be out of town next week, so I'm posting chapter 22 of my Wednesday briefs story, Love Across Time early. You can read it by clicking here.

If you have just come across my blog and would like to read the entire story, you can click here to get to the Wednesday briefs page.

Here is a sneak peek at what you'll find in chapter 22:


“Well?” Ryan demanded as he stepped out of the travellator.

“Thirty-two percent restoration of the timeline; I was right,” Duncan said with a sigh of satisfaction. “The two of you are meant to be together. The question is, in our time or his time?”

“I think the next logical step would be to bring him to our time and see what happens.”

“How would you feel, just out of curiosity, to living in the past?”

“I wouldn’t like it. I’d have to be careful of everything I say or do. We don’t want any paradoxes on our hands.”

“I agree. If you are meant to be together, and everything points to that, it would have to be in the future.”

“Wouldn’t that cause additional timeline alterations?”

“Good question.” Duncan contacted Anne in the records department. “Ann, please get me anything and everything you can find on Ethan Evans, and I mean everything, including engagement announcements, weddings, children, contributions to society by him and any offspring. Thanks!”

“Duncan, I promised Ethan and his brother that I’d come back and explain everything. I picked up a keepsake box from the Antique store, but I didn’t look at it very closely, and I should have. It was same box Ethan gave his cousin for her birthday a month prior. We have a potential paradox on our hands, but I don’t think that will happen.”

“Get back there and see that it doesn’t!” Duncan snapped. Of all the… He was unable to complete the thought.

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