Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday briefs - Love Across Time chapter 29

Chapter 29 of my Wednesday briefs story, Love Across Time is now up. You can read it by clicking here.

If you have just come across my blog and would like to read the entire story, you can click here to get to the Wednesday briefs page.

Here is a sneak peek at what you'll find in chapter 29:

It was finally discovered that only bringing Ethan forward brought the timeline back 95% back into its proper flow. While Ethan missed his family terribly, he settled into his new life with Ryan; the two of them building a life together, even as members of the TPC continued to try and figure out what was going on with the timeline. Everyone had believed that bringing Ethan forward in time would fix it. They were wrong.

World War 3 in 2474 and World War 4 in 2802 caused a lot of historical records from that time period to be lost. Ethan took a job working with Anne to try and restore those records, and correcting erroneous information. His knowledge of the time period was invaluable and he was often sought after by the educational system to do lectures. Still he was unhappy, which didn’t go unnoticed.


An exasperated Ryan knocked on Duncan’s door. When he looked up Ryan asked, “Duncan, do you have a minute. I need to talk to you about something important.” Duncan indicated for him to come in and have a seat.

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