Thursday, July 31, 2014

M.A. Church's Priceless being published in French

Des étincelles jaillissent quand Cupidon vise deux mortels à Las Vegas : Randy Jones, un homme ordinaire, en voyage d’affaires, croise le regard de Garrett Shiffler à une table de craps et le temps s’arrête alors. Rejetant tout ce en quoi il croit, Randy se lance dans une aventure torride de deux nuits avec lui, avant de paniquer en réalisant qu’il est tombé amoureux. 

Le milliardaire cynique Garrett Shiffler a tout ce que l’argent peut acheter, et la plupart des hommes avec qui il sort, n’arrivent pas à voir plus loin que son portefeuille. La vie lui a appris que l’innocence et l’amour ne sont que le fruit d’une imagination collective. Mais quand Randy disparaît, emportant avec lui des sentiments que Garrett n’imaginait même pas avoir, il s’engage dans la bataille la plus importante de sa vie pour gagner son amour. Mais cette fois-ci, il se bat avec son cœur, et non son compte en banque. 

Pendant ce temps, Cupidon se demande ce qui s’est passé. Ses flèches dorées ne ratent jamais leur cible habituellement, sauf quand le Destin intervient. Si Garrett veut récupérer Randy, il va devoir le faire seul, car le Destin a d’autres plans en réserve pour Cupidon.

APRÈS S’ÊTRE encore fait demander sa carte d’identité, l’homme à l’allure juvénile entra dans le casino. Ses yeux brillaient d’une lueur espiègle alors qu’il scrutait la foule de gens. Il écarta quelques mèches blondes et bouclées de son front, cherchant cette fois un certain type d’individu. Il avait maintenant juste besoin d’inspiration pour frapper, et ses flèches loyales étaient prêtes à l’emploi. Se déplaçant dans la foule, il regarda autour de lui. Il avait le choix parmi tant d'hommes solitaires qui avaient besoin d'amour dans leur vie.

Il était connu sous bien des noms, mais il préférait Cupidon, le nom que sa mère lui avait donné. Mythologie grecque, mythologie romaine… Il haussa les épaules. Les humains ne savaient pas à quel point ils avaient massacré le panthéon, non pas que cela importe de toute manière. Il connaissait la vérité, tout comme ceux de son espèce la connaissaient.

Ses yeux scrutèrent à nouveau le casino… là ! Il avait trouvé ce qu’il cherchait. Cet homme. Avec un large sourire, il se fraya un chemin à travers la foule.

GARRETT REGARDAIT la foule du casino ‘Palms’ de Las Vegas d’un air ennuyé et nonchalant, ses yeux ne voyant rien de ce qui se passait autour de lui. Il était agité, et même l’excitation habituelle du jeu n’arrivait pas à piquer son intérêt. Il fit négligemment sauter le dé dans sa main, ne s’intéressant pas aux montants élevés des mises de la partie de craps qu’il était en train de jouer. La foule autour de lui eut le souffle coupé en voyant que sa chance avait tourné, et qu’il venait de perdre plus d’argent en un seul coup de dé que ce que certaines personnes gagnaient en un an. Mais même cela ne parvint pas à le tirer de son humeur morose. Soudain, la chance lui sourit de nouveau avec le coup de dés suivant.

Son corps fut parcouru d’un frisson et ses cheveux se dressèrent sur sa nuque. Quelque chose, un changement dans l’atmosphère peut-être, attira son attention. Une fois encore, il examina la foule autour de la table de craps, cherchant… quelque chose. Il plissa les yeux et se concentra sur l’homme en face de lui, de l’autre côté de la table. Le temps sembla ralentir, et se figer. Le brouhaha agaçant du casino devint un simple bruit de fond jusqu’à ce qu’il n’entende ni ne voie plus rien… à part, lui.

Le cœur de Garrett rata un battement et augmenta rapidement, accélérant soudain, puis prit une courte pause avant de battre à un rythme effréné. Son esprit imagina une série de scènes en Technicolor qui exigeait que l’homme en face de lui prenne la pose, se penche et s’étire dans un nombre de positions érotiques et explicites. Les yeux de Garrett le scrutèrent jusqu’à ce qu’ils rencontrent des prunelles surprises, de couleur gris acier, et un autre frisson traversa rapidement son corps.

Ces yeux brillaient d’une douce lueur innocente comme Garrett en avait rarement vue et qu’il ne croyait pas exister encore aujourd’hui. Son esprit restait incrédule. Personne ne pouvait être aussi innocent, personne. Mais une partie de son âme longuement réprimée chuchota… ‘Et si’ ? Et si cet homme n’était pas un simulateur et qu’il était réellement ce qu’il semblait être ? Surpris par la réaction de son corps, il décida d’en avoir le cœur net. Il fixa l’homme de l’autre côté de la table de son regard glacé. Un petit sourire en coin flotta sur les lèvres de Garrett alors qu’il faisait signe à l’homme de venir à ses côtés.

M.A. Church
M.A. Church lives in the southern United States and spent many years in the elementary education sector. She is married to her high school sweetheart and they have two children. Her hobbies are gardening, walking, attending flea markets, watching professional football, racing, and spending time with her family on the lake.

But her most beloved hobby is reading. From an early age, she can remember hunting for books at the library. Later nonhuman and science fiction genres captured her attention and drew her into the worlds the authors had created. But always at the back of her mind was the thought that one day, when the kids were older and she had more time, she would write a book.
By sheer chance she stumbled across a gay male romance story on the web and was hooked. A new world opened up and she fell in love. Thus the journey started. When not writing or researching, she enjoys reading the latest erotic and mainstream romance novels.

My links:
Twitter @nomoretears00

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday brief - Love Across Time chapter 18

 Chapter 18 of my Wednesday briefs story, Love Across Time is now up. You can read it by clicking here.

If you have just come across my blog and would like to read the entire story, you can click here to get to the Wednesday briefs page.

Here is a sneak peek at what you'll find in chapter 18:

Ethan looked shocked as he hung up the phone. He just sat there in silence as he digested the information he had been given.

“Well?” Chris prompted.

In a quiet voice, Ethan responded. “They’ve done it. They have a serum that could cure all STDs. They just have to test it. They need more blood from me.”

“Let’s go then.”


“I’m taking you to the hospital to give more blood. This is awesome news! It’s unbelievable. From your blood comes the universal STD vaccine. My little brother.” Chris grabbed him in a headlock and rubbed his knuckles across the top of Ethan’s head.

“Hey!” Ethan squirmed out of the headlock. “They don’t know for sure if it’s going to work. Like I said, it still has to be tested.”

“Get your ass in gear, bro. The longer we wait, the longer it will take them to get the serum tested and made into the vaccine. God knows how long it will take to get it approved by the government.” Chris practically dragged him out of the shop and into his car.


Duncan, however, was prepared for such an event. Pulling out his CompCom, he pulled up the Presidential Order forming the Timeline Preservation Commission. He scrolled down to the paragraph that have him absolute authority to inspect any travellator at any time, for any reason, including the prototype. “Now, do I have to get your boss down here, or are you going to let us into the control room?”

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Heading Down The Long Road chapter 7

Chapter 7 of Heading Down The Long Road (the 4th book in The Long Road series) is up. You can find the chapter here.

If you have not read the first 6 chapters yet, you can find them here.

Here's a little preview of what you'll find:

It was an incredible day for Greg. His dream of becoming a Detective had finally come true for today he received his certification of completion for his training as a Specialized Task Force Officer, training in every way identical to that which Detectives received. He didn't walk into the station house he was assigned to - he floated in. Walking into the LGBT Anti-Violence Task Force office the first thing he noticed was a huge banner hung from the ceiling that said 'Congratulations Detective Sergeant Gregory Peters'. It was only a matter of a few seconds before he was noticed and everyone in the office stood, applauded and cheered. Tears flowed down his face as he was hugged, squeezed, kissed on the cheek, slapped on the back -and on the ass- a couple of times and congratulated. The only thing that would have made the moment perfect was if Dave had been there. He spared a momentary thought for his former captain and ex-partner. You guys tried to hold me back. Look where I am now, dickheads.

"OKAY, EVERYONE! YOU ALL KNOW WHAT TO DO!" Gwen yelled. Confused, Greg raised his eyebrows. Suddenly two members of the task force grabbed his hands and forced them behind his back, bending him over a desk while Kevin handcuffed him.

"Sergeant Gregory Peters, you are not under arrest. However, you are required to come with us. You are required to remain silent. Nothing you say will be held against you. You do not have the right to an attorney, even if you can afford one. Do you understand the non-rights as I have read them to you?" Without giving him the chance to respond, they pulled him up and dragged him through the station house amid whistles and catcalls, everyone except poor Greg knowing what was about to happen.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wednesday brief - Love Across Time chapter 17

 Chapter 17 of my Wednesday briefs story, Love Across Time is now up. You can read it by clicking here.

If you have just come across my blog and would like to read the entire story, you can click here to get to the Wednesday briefs page.

Here is a sneak peek at what you'll find in chapter 17:

         “Hello, earth to Ethan. Ethan, come in please?” Chris waved his hand in front of Ethan’s face, eliciting no response. Okay, something’s got to snap him out of whatever fog he’s in, but what? Wait, I got it! Chris went over to the computer set up in the corner of Ethan’s workshop opened up the browser and searched for pictures of naked men. Eeewwww he thought as he looked over the selection presented to him. He finally selected one of a young naked guy on his stomach shown from the butt up and hit Print. The laser printer whirred to life and spit out the picture. Chris quickly wiped the browser history and closed it down. Grabbing the picture he went back over to Ethan and waved it in front of his face. “Oh, Ethan, look what I have for you,” he teased. Nothing. Exasperated, he finally grabbed Ethan by the shoulders and shook him. “Here we go again. C’mon, bro. Snap out of it!”

         “Huh? What?”

         “Man, you were really out of it. I’ve been trying to get your attention for the last 10 minutes. What’s going on with you? You’ve been like this since you came home from the hospital.”

         “There’s just so much. I can’t get my head around it all.”

         “Around what?” Chris pulled up a chair and sat down next to Ethan, placing his hand on his shoulder. 

         “Come on, Ethan, you can tell me anything. You know that.”

         “It’s just what the doctors told me in the hospital; that there’s something strange in my blood that can lead to a cure for all STD’s, even HIV and AIDS, that a vaccine could be created that can save countless lives.”

         “And,” Chris prompted.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Comments bug fixed

Hey, everyone,
I figured out (finally) what was going on with the comments and why only certain people could post comments.

It's been fixed now, so anyone can comment on any post. Please keep comments related to the post. Within the next couple of days (after I get this week's Wednesday brief post finished) I'm going to set up a separate blog for comments on other things.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Heading Down The Long Road chapter 6

Chapter 6 of Heading Down The Long Road (the 4th book in The Long Road series) is up. You can find the chapter here.

If you have not read the first 5 chapters yet, you can find them here.

Here's a little preview of what you'll find:

An inexplicably nervous Dave glanced at his watch. Five-twenty-five. I’m early. I hope he won’t mind. God I’m so nervous, but then it’s not every day I ask someone to move in with me and spend the rest of their life with me. What if he says no? What will I do then? I can’t lose him. I love him too much, but what if he doesn’t feel the same way about me? I know he loves me, but does he love me enough that he will spend the rest of his life with me? Should I ask him or should I wait? I wish I knew for sure how he truly felt about me. I guess I’ll just have to play it by ear.

“Good evening sir. Welcome to the Thompson building. How may I help you?”

“Hi. I’m Dave Barton, here to see Greg Peters, please. He’s expecting me.”

“One moment, please.” The doorman picked up the phone. “Mister Peters, there is a Dave Barton here to see you. Of course. Thank you.” He turned to Dave. “Go right on up, sir. Third floor, apartment 302. Take a left out of the elevator then another left.” He pressed the button to unlock the inside door and allow Dave to enter the building’s lobby.

“Thank you.” Moments later he knocked on Greg’s door.

A few seconds later the door was opened by a half-naked Greg, fresh from a shower drying his hair. “Hi, baby. I’m running a little behind. I was a little late getting out of work. He gave Dave a wet, sloppy kiss.

Dave whistled appreciatively as he took in the sight of his boyfriend standing there in jeans that were tight in all the right places and nothing else, his muscular torso glistening. He wanted to dry Greg off with his tongue, but knew they’d never make the vet appointment if he did. Instead, to distract himself from the incredible hunk standing before him, he decided to look around the room “This is a great place you have here. I love the way you’ve decorated it, and it smells heavenly.”

“Thanks. Make yourself at home. I’ll just be a minute.” He rushed into the bedroom to finish getting dressed.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wednesday brief - Love Across Time chapter 16

 Chapter 16 of my Wednesday briefs story, Love Across Time is now up. You can read it by clicking here.

If you have just come across my blog and would like to read the entire story, you can click here to get to the Wednesday briefs page.

Here is a sneak peek at what you'll find in chapter 16:

        "Wait a minute. I've found something!" Adrienne exclaimed. "It took some digging, but it's right here. That senile old hag that sits second chair on the tribunal, what's here name...Agatha Jones. Her ex-husband manages a travellator station."

         "What does that have to do with anything?"

         "I'm not sure yet, but her son Ted had been making a killing on the stock market. He got rich really fast. I bet he was using the travellator at his father's station to go back in time to buy stocks in various companies, then coming back and selling the stocks for a substantial profit, just like that guy did in that old 2D movie Time Cop."

         "That's not possible," Liam said. "With the exception of the travellators here, all the temporal capacitators have been removed and are stored in the vault here. They're visually inventoried and accounted for at the beginning and ending of every shift, not to mention the fact that the computer would record any of them being moved so much as an inch without authorization and sound an alarm, locking down the entire facility."

         Adrienne fell back in her chair, crestfallen. "I was so sure I was onto something."

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Honored Guest Author - MA Church

Today it is my honor and privilege to host MA Church as she talks about her latest release, Nighttime Promises.

Please jump over to her page and welcome her, then go out and get her new book. And while you're at it, if you haven't already done so, pick up the first two books in her Nighttime series, Nighttime Wishes and Nighttime Dreams.

You can find her page here.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Heading Down The Long Road chapter 5

Chapter 5 of Heading Down The Long Road (the 4th book in The Long Road series) is up. You can find the chapter here.

If you have not read the first 4 chapters yet, you can find them here.

Here's a little preview of what you'll find:

Dave looked up as he heard someone knock on the door frame. “Dave, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure Stan. What’s up?”

“What can I do to convince you to reconsider leaving?”

“Stan, we’ve been all through this and out the other side. I feel I can do more for the community working for the Center. You know I’ve been stonewalled every time I’ve tried to do something for them. I’ve gone as far as I can go here.”

“That’s not true, Dave. You did an incredible job as acting mayor when I had my heart attack.” The mayor sat on the edge of Dave’s desk. “I’m going to tell you something that for the time being needs to stay between us.”


“My heart attack was more severe than anyone was allowed to know. Basically I have a choice, resign as mayor or risk another, possibly fatal, heart attack.”

Dave sat back in his chair. “Wow. I didn’t know it was that serious. So what are you going to do?”

“I don’t have a choice. I have to resign. That’s why I want you to reconsider leaving. I want you to succeed me. You’ve proven you can handle the job.”

“There would have to be a majority vote from the city council. You know as well as I do that they will not, to use their words, tolerate a faggot for mayor. When I was acting mayor, they stonewalled me on everything just on principle. It didn’t matter what it was. I definitely understand where you’re coming from, and I sympathize, but they’ll never agree to me succeeding you, even for one day. Look at what happened when you had a heart attack. The Governor had to step in and force them to accept me as acting mayor.”

“You’re right. I’ve butted heads with them more times than I care to admit on just about everything, and I’m straight. I can only imagine how much harder it was for you with those self-serving ultra-conservative jerks.” He sighed and smiled sardonically. “Well, you can’t blame me for trying.” He stood and extended his hand to Dave, who immediately stood and shook it. “You’ve been a hell of a deputy mayor. I wish you the best of luck in your new job and if you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to call me.” He walked out the door, leaving Dave in deep thought as he put the top on the last box of his personal possessions. He took it down to his car then returned to his now former office. “Colleen” he addressed his secretary “you’ve been awesome, and I will truly miss you. If you ever need anything please call me. You have my number.” He gave her a quick hug before giving her his keys and ID.

“I’ll miss you too, Dave. You’ve been a great boss. Good luck with your new job and please, stay in touch.”

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My Kinda-sorta-maybe-weekly Book Review

I have just updated my Kinda-sorta-maybe-weekly Book Review page to explain how I rate the books/stories the way I do.

You can read it by either clicking on the link above, or by clicking here

Wednesday Brief - Love Across Time chapter 15

 Chapter 15 of my Wednesday briefs story, Love Across Time is now up. You can read it by clicking here.

If you have just come across my blog and would like to read the entire story, you can click here to get to the Wednesday briefs page.

Here is a sneak peek at what you'll find in chapter 15:

 Duncan picked up his phone and dialed. "Liam, what's going on with the timeline?"

         "You're not going to believe this," Liam replied with a note of disbelief in his voice. "When Ryan died, the timeline skewed right off the charts. The computers have all crashed with fatal errors. I think we're headed towards a major paradox," he said with a shudder.

         "Ok. Is travellator 4 ready?"

         "Ready whenever you are."

         "Good. Has Adrienne returned."

         "A few minutes ago."

         "Ok. Thanks." He hung up and hit the overhead page button. "Adrienne, please come to my office." He turned to Connor. "I have a job for the two of you." As Adrienne came in and sat down, Duncan continued, "I want the two of you to dig into the backgrounds of the members of the Tribunal. See if there is any connection between the Tribunal and Ryan's cases. Somebody is out to get Ryan. I'm leaving in a few minutes to stop the attack on Ryan in prison. The more I study this situation the more I'm convinced that we have a temporal causality loop on our hands. Somehow, Ryan and this Ethan Evans are connected somehow." As an afterthought he added, "See what information is available as to when and who created the universal STD vaccines and HIV cure." All of this is connected somehow. I can feel it. I just need to figure out how and to fix the timeline before a catastrophic paradox happens. Let's get this done."

Kinda-sorta-maybe-weekly Book Review - When Will I See You Again

I have just finished reading and reviewing the awesomely-awesome book by Julie Lynn Hayes, When Will I See You Again.

Please check out the review here, then go get your own copy.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Wednesday Brief - Love Across Time chapter 14

 Chapter 14 of my Wednesday briefs story, Love Across Time is now up. You can read it by clicking here.

If you have just come across my blog and would like to read the entire story, you can click here to get to the Wednesday briefs page.

Here is a sneak peek at what you'll find in chapter 14:

         Ethan walked into the kitchen where Chris was sitting at the table reading the newspaper and eating a bowl of ice cream. He cocked his finger and Chris and said in a mock authoritative voice, “Yo, Evans. Step away from the ice cream.” When Chris didn’t respond, Ethan walked over to stand next to him. Waving his hand in front of Chris’s face, he called out, “Hello? The lights are on, is anybody home.”

         Wordlessly Chris slid the paper over to Ethan and pointed to an obituary that had shocked him into silence.

         July 17th. Ethan Evans, a popular resident of Portsmouth died yesterday at County Memorial due to complications stemming from an unanticipated medication interaction. Evans, 28, was well known as an antique furniture restorer. He is survived by his parents Glenn and Barbara, and his brother, Christopher. Funeral arrangements are being made by Woodlawn Funeral Home.